Tuesday, December 18, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.19

Dear Parents and Friends,
Can we ever truly be safe?  No.   That sad reality is ever more real to us as we contemplate the massacre of last week.  Sitting at my desk I look out across the parking lot and watch students being dropped off by parents, or driving themselves to school.  For 90 years they have walked into Holy Family thinking mostly of academics, relationships and faith,  concerned little with personal safety.   In reality we have a very safe school, a closed campus and front desk monitor who allows in, or doesn’t allow in visitors.  Our staff is well trained, we practice lock down drills, fire drills, and evacuation drills.   We have security cameras and a Police officer from Broomfield works with us in maintaining our security.  We even hire police officers for our dances and big events.

With all of that in place, we remain vulnerable.  We could go to the next step and have several of us trained to use firearms to defend us;  we could install hardened glass windows, or should we?

The reality is that the world is a safer place than it might appear.  There are thousands of schools and millions of students who go to and come home safely each day.  Violent crime has been steadily decreasing over the last several decades.  While we can never be completely safe, we should not live in fear.
Christ tells us., “Fear is useless, what is needed is faith.”  We must have faith in Christ, in His Church, and in His love for us.  

As we near the celebration of the incarnation,  let us recall that Jesus came as a defenseless baby in a very dangerous world.  His first playmates all died at Herod’s hand,  His earthly father, Joseph, died, he had no brothers or sisters.  He traveled to Egypt as a little child and returned as a young man.  All around him people were being attacked by robbers, dying of disease, or being seriously hurt.  And after healing and teaching,  he was put to death.   If God can make that sad tale the most glorious story ever told,  imagine what He could do for us.  If we let Him.

So safe or not,  “I fear no evil, for You are at my side.” (Psalm 23)

Happy Advent,  Merry Christmas! 

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic

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