Tuesday, December 4, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.17

Trait of the Week: COURAGE

 Dear Parents and Friends,

Courage, the trait the cowardly Lion thought he lacked, transforms.  It changes the weak timorous soul into a brave, powerful hero.  It does not add strength, wisdom or cunning; the courageous soul changes not in physical qualities they change personal qualities.  It overcomes fear, irrational and rational, it does not ignore fear; it masters fear.  Courage makes us bold, it allows us to see what must be done, and do it. 

Daily we receive the call to be courageous; normally the call is small in nature. We must get out of bed, face the troubles of the day; deal with our homework (or lack thereof), prepare for exams, make our lunch, talk to our siblings, (in an appropriate manner) and who knows what else.  Though small in nature these tasks loom large in significance.  Precisely by small acts do we prepare for the large ones.  I will never be able to die for Christ, if I cannot live for him.  If I cannot love  my critics how  will  I ever love my God.   (1 John 4:20)

We all want our children to be heroes.  To be selfless and laudable, to live lives of significance and if needed, not hesitate to give of your life for another, in a word, to be courageous.

Timothy Gallic
Holy Family High School

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