Tuesday, December 18, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.18

Dear Parents,
With the feast of Christmas so close, and the fact that this is the last From the Principal’s Desk for the year, I am going to deviate from my discussion of character traits and instead focus on the incarnation and why students of all ages should revel in the glory of Christmas.

There exists in all likelihood, no event in history, that has been written about, sung about and pondered more than Christmas.  It, the birth of a child, is the most human of miracles, the most easily imagined, and yet the most unfathomable, impossible, stupendous and thrilling event of all time.  The wonderful paradox of the infant God who holds the whole world, while being held; the word of God which made creation,  speechless as a newborn; the immensity of God all packed into 6 pounds (or less) of beauty, innocence and wonder  truly boggles the imagination.

As parents, we share in the wonder of our children. Certainly they are not divine, as Christ is, but they carry in themselves that divine spark as one of God’s children.   All children must be trained to achieve their potential, even Jesus had to be taught.  He spoke Aramaic, Hebrew and perhaps Latin because someone taught him, so if the perfect Man needed a teacher and a school, how much more do we?  (and thank you for using ours!)

I will finish my comments with the final verse of Hark the Herald.  It is seldom sung but contains in it so much of what the Nativity truly portends.

Come, Desire of nations, come,
fix in us thy humble home;
rise, the woman's conquering seed,
bruise in us the serpent's head;
Adams likeness now efface!
Stamp thine image in its place!
Second Adam from Above,
Reinstate us in thy  love.

Hark, the herald-angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!

Timothy Gallic
Holy Family High School

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