Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fromthe Principal's Desk 2.24

Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is the start of Lent, as we are all aware of.  This of course is a great time to teach, and to learn, more about our faith and how to live it out in our homes.  As parents and educators we have a great responsibility and opportunity to spread the good news, we are also called upon to be witnesses to this.  What happens if we are not such great witnesses?   Perhaps your own kids and their antics have been an occasion of sin; perhaps a bad habit has reared its ugly head.  When living with children life tends to be an open book.

One of the great gifts of our faith is the sacrament of confession, and forgiveness.  If we have sinned (Christ says the just man sins seven times a day) we should avail ourselves of confession, to humbly admit our faults, and ask for forgiveness.  If we have been a poor example in front of our children, we should humbly ask their pardon.  This may seem crazy and reckless but if done properly it is not.   When I first started teaching I learned that if I made a mistake, be it losing my temper, forgetting a student’s name, or what have you,  the easiest and surest way to set things right, was to apologize, admit my fault, and fix the situation.   It must be known that while I made it very clear that while my action was a mistake, I was still their teacher and still had to be respected.    When the students realized that I didn’t pretend to be perfect, they listened more intently to what I taught.

We want to speak the truth in love to our students, and children, let us pray for the ability to do so.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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