Wednesday, February 22, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 2.23

Dear Friends,

Today as we all know is St. Valentine’s Day.  On such a day I would like to say a few things about love.   One of the most important lessons we teach our students is that true love resides not in the emotion, although emotions may play a role, but true love consists in the selfless desire for the good of another.  To truly love is to desire the other to benefit, to give of oneself for the sake of another’s happiness.   John Paul the Great described love as a mutually revelatory experience, an experience where both souls benefit and grow together.

Sadly, it is possible to mimic this with mutual selfishness, where both parties take what they want.  This seems to be the common experience in this world and one that we need to warn our students to avoid.   Instead let us consider the greatest example of true love that the world has ever seen.  “But God showed his love for us, because while we were yet sinners, God died for us.”  (Romans 8:5)

So on this great feast, let us encourage our students, to put others first, to love as God loved us, and to treat others, as we ourselves would wish to be treated.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

PS- The fight to stop the HHS ruling on mandatory contraception coverage continues. I urge you to contact your representatives and speak out against this unjust and discriminatory ruling.  No president has the authority to tell anyone to violate their consciences.

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