Monday, February 13, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 2.20

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we commemorated the tragedy of abortion in this country.  It is interesting to note that pro-life individuals tend to speak about the baby, pro-choice tend to speak about the mother. If you have ever argued the issue of abortion you may have encountered such a divide.  It is not possible to talk about the mother without the baby.  With no mother there is no baby, with no baby there is no mother. We believe that every human life is sacred, and a blessing, mother and baby alike; there is no separating of those human lives without a great deal of sorrow and tragedy, until the proper time.  Like all things in God’s plans, one must patiently await His timing if one wants to realize the good that He has planned. 

Let us pray for all those who are pregnant, that as they realize the challenge of new life, they also see the gift.

Archbishop Chaput has penned a wonderful message on this topic and I urge you to take the time to read it.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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