Tuesday, April 22, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.24

Walking Tiger 

Dear Parents and Friends,

Happy Easter! The Lord has risen! This past weekend, filled with chocolate bunnies and candy, with solemn and awe inspiring liturgies and delicious feasts, I was struck by how aware we want our children to be about the four last things.   It is not customary that we speak of the four last things, death, judgment, heaven or hell, but we should, because we are all heading toward that fateful day.   Every living human will one day die and stand before the throne of God to be judged.  There is no escape.  Based upon that judgment we will spend an eternity in either endless bliss or endless torment.  When I stand before God, if my soul is pure, freed from the stain of mortal sin, then I am saved.   A candid assessment of the state of your soul (something we should be doing during lent, but don't fret it is not too late) tells you whether you need to repent and ask for forgiveness, i.e. seek the sacrament of confession.

The good news is that we are not judged based on how good we have been versus how bad we have been; we are judged on how holy we are.  How is this good news?  God makes us holy; by His blood we are washed clean.  God stands ready to make you holy because of His love for you. Remember that Jesus, who shed His blood to save you, is your judge.    Years ago, when I was just out of high school, I received a traffic ticket and had to hire an attorney to defend myself.  When we walked into the courtroom the judge, stopping the preceding, waved to my attorney and said, "Don, good to see you, we will take care of your matter as fast as we can."  I got out of the ticket.  It is a real good thing to be friends with the judge.  So go and make friends with your judge and encourage your students to do the same.

He is Risen from the Dead!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

Friday, April 11, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.23

Walking Tiger 

Dear Friends,

School is all about dialog, so perhaps it would be best to consider first, how we as humans communicate.   When conversing with others we use our bodies, our minds and our voices in equal measure and while it is possible to communicate with simply words, as in texting or email, or simply with voice as in a telephone call, clearly the fullest way to communicate is face to face. 

When we pray we converse with God and while we can pray with our minds, we also pray with our words and our bodies, with our works of art and our songs, with the clothes we wear and how we personally groom.    For to be human means we must have a body as well as a soul, we cannot only use one or the other and be fully involved.   How fantastic is it that we can use far more than just words to tell someone we love them, to share in grief and in joy, that we can express happiness in a myriad of ways.  How awful that we can hurt others with far more than just words, for the very tools that build can also destroy.

A typical problem adolescent's face revolves around their ability to communicate.  The good news is that with patience, instruction and love they will usually outgrow it which is why we must take the time to correct and train.  Our example may be the very best way to communicate to our children the correct way to act. The joy we approach our duties to God, the evident pleasure we take in the company of our family,  the way we relax and have fun with them, teaches just as much as the words we must use and often more eloquently.

Thank you again for the entrusting us with the education of your most precious children,

Happy Lent!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. please let us know if you have any questions, cares, comments, criticisms or concerns!

From the Principal's Desk 4.22

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

In Lent we should be mindful of the words of scripture,

11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.13Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm (Eph. 6:11-13)

For whether we like it or not we are engaged in a spiritual battle, for our souls, for the souls of our children and for the future of this world.  What is equally awesome is the weapons we use, not guns or knives, but our words, our minds and our bodies.  We engage in this struggle, fighting for the right, every time we help a confused student, share a lunch with someone who forgot theirs, stop in prayer at the chapel, or before class encourage a friend, or even better someone who is not a friend.   When everyday events are offered to God they serve not only to better the world we live in but also to help win the victory for ourselves and our friends.  So love your neighbor, treat them not how you have been treated, but as you WANT to be treated.  Love God with your whole heart, mind and soul and you will keep Lent the way we are supposed to.  (Of course don't forget confession and mass, no meat on Friday's, etc; these are gifts that tune up our souls.)

Finally, if you missed the Basketball games this last Saturday you missed a couple of great games, kudos to the coaches and the teams.  Best of all and better than the championships, great as they were, was the way the students, both on the court and off, conducted themselves; they made us proud of them in the best way.  I would be remiss to fail to mention Mock Trial who likewise went to state and did exceptionally as well.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again,

May God hold you in the Palm of His hand,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

From the Principal's Desk 4.21

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Tempus Fugit- Time Flies.  Years ago, I first noticed an old man gazing lovingly at his wife of many decades.  She was as old as he, wrinkled by the sun, and bowed by age and infirmity but in his face you could tell he was seeing a vision of wonder and excellence, of exquisite refinement and breath taking beauty.  For the many years together had taught him to see far more than just with his eyes, he could see who she truly was; he could see all of her. 

What makes us truly beautiful lies not merely in our appearance but in our character, in the tales of virtue and diligence which grace our story.  Each year, every day we can become far more beautiful if we take the time to love better, to serve with more diligence to care for those in need and to seek the face of God. 

Not always does one seek the face of God, we make ourselves ugly by pride and arrogance, by crudeness and meanness and by crassness and laziness.  For this reason we need to be grateful for forgiveness, the most ennobling action.  For in confession we find restoration and the ability to grow.  Let us encourage our students to avail themselves of the sacrament and to see Christ in each other not as  static displays but as a dynamic individuals capable to move from glory to glory until that day we see Christ with our own eyes.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School