Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.15

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

As expected I have been thinking about the big game; perhaps you know of what I speak? Two sides diametrically opposed to the other line themselves up face to face quivering with excitement and anticipation and at the proper moment, charge the line with all their might and skill.  Clearly no player will be holding back, resting for the next play and at the end of the contest, no matter how close a finish, one side will leave elated and one side dejected.

Clearly this is an unreasonable view of life but some lessons can be learned.  The game is played only once.  After it ends nothing can be done to change it.  While the game goes on there are a lot of options but as time draws to a close the options become more limited and finally no single individual can win the game, but a single individual could lose it.

Life occurs but once, we must use the time well for when it is over, it is over.  As we get older we find that our choices, good and bad, will affect what we can and cannot do later in life.  Choosing wisely, with God's assistance puts us in a good position later in life when our options begin to dwindle.   If we choose poorly when we are young, do badly in school, destroy our family relationships, ignore our faith, we will find later in life we must spend our time trying to repair this breach leaving little time for other important items.   If we choose well, study diligently, work on keeping our relationships healthy and keep in touch with God we will find out later in life we have energy and ability to live a good life.   Finally there is a corporate nature to life, each of us succeeds because many help, but the damage one person can do, either through inaction or deliberate action can be devastating.  Let us make certain we are forces for good for that is our destiny, let us strive each day to enrich our lives and others.  When we falter, let us pick ourselves up, seek pardon and forgiveness and move on.   God's mercy is amazing so let us take advantage of it.  (Father graciously offers mass daily and confession weekly)

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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