Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From the Principals Desk 4.13

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

By now you should have seen the new tuition rates and I would like to take a moment to explain how we arrived at that amount.  Tuition is determined by setting our operating budget. This is the money we spend each year keeping the school in good repair, paying our teachers, heating and cooling the building, paying our insurance and other items like this.  We subtract from the budget what money we can raise through fund raising and gifts, (this generally averages about $2,000 per student) and then we take the number left and divide it by our expected student population.  This sets our tuition.   Tuition does not pay for sports, that is separately fund raised; it does not pay for material improvements such as scoreboards or theater renovation or ball fields.  All of these are separately fundraised which is why they are sometimes built and sometimes we have to wait.

We are fortunate in that we have also been able to offer financial aid and I urge you to look into it if you feel you need it.  While quite large, the fund is not limitless, so don't delay!

Catholic education may be a cost; it is also a great investment.  This school teaches much more than just the subjects; we help you develop the character of your child. By seeing each child as God does we teach mutual respect and demand from them the responsibility that will make them successful.   High School years are exciting times. I thank you for sharing your child's years with us.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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