Tuesday, February 5, 2013

From the Principl's Desk 3.22

Dear Friends,

As I sit at my desk my wife is nearing the end of her pregnancy and we shall hopefully see our newest child very soon.  This serves as a poignant reminder as to the inherent value of a child, to the inestimable work of a mother and especially to the divine bond of love that is formed over the 9 months of carrying a baby.   Love, the selfless desire for the good of another, so sorely needed in this world, so vital to human life,   stands as the hallmark of mankind's imitation of God.  Not to be confused with passion, or lust, love can conquer all, even the evil of abortion.  The tendency to wrap love in carnations and chocolates, gifts and favors does not diminish its value if it occasionally obscures it, for love can come wrapped in gifts, or discipline or in the simplest of human actions;   the kiss of mother, the embrace of a child, the giving of one's life for a friend or a stranger and the discipline of a wayward son or daughter.

Love never fails, even when the relationship with your child becomes strained, even when wrong occurs, even in the face of evil.   We might fail, our actions may be loveless; God's love never fails, His actions are always full of love.  No matter the circumstance, no matter the sin, the wrong, the hurt, the loneliness, God's love remains.  He does not brood over injury, but rejoices in the truth.   If our children, our society, would learn to love, there would be no more abortion, no more murder, selfishness, or greed, and in its place would be a much better world.

To end abortion, we need prayer, we need to work politically but most of all we need to love.  For while someday we may get this hideous practice outlawed, it will only end when we can love each mother and care for each child.

"For Love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He that loves not does not know God, for God is love." ( 1:John 4:7-8)

May God have mercy on this land, growing under the weight of 55 million murdered children.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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