Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From the Principlal's Desk 3.9

In many conversion stories we hear that the individual had to be brought very low in order to finally accept the grace of God, which had been there all along.  Perhaps we have witnessed in our own lives similar moments where after a long struggle, we have finally accepted God’s plan for us and realized  He was right all along!   

While all of us rejoice to find that someone has rejoined the family of Christ, I strongly believe it would be much better if they never left it in the first place.   If a young boy or girl can learn to accept the love of God and His wonderful plan for their life, how much better their life will be.  They will experience the fruits of the Holy Spirit; charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, perseverance, mildness, faith, modesty, self-discipline, and chastity. 

How great would it be if all of our children had these gifts active in their entire lives!  For this reason we try to bring your children to know Christ and the world He made as often as possible.    St Irenaeus once stated, “The Glory of God is man fully alive in Christ Jesus”. 

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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