Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.7

Dear Parents,
As it is Spirit Week, I thought I would take a moment to discuss what we as Catholics mean as spirit and body. 

From the first moment of our conception we exist as an everlasting spirit in a temporal body capable of interacting with others and thus with their spirits.   The act that brings new life into this world, where  mortal and immortal intersect, cannot be seen as a mere physical interaction for it starts a human being on a grand and perilous journey that ends either in the realm of endless day, or forever separated from God. 

When the spirit departs the body so does life.  Yet we are not just spirits, we are body and spirit.  How our spirit feels is how our body  feels; when we act in accordance with God’s design, our spirits benefit, our body benefits, we benefit.  When we act in opposition to God’s design, our spirits suffer, our body suffers, and we suffer.   Because we have bodies we can receive God physically, and we can hope someday, of finally embracing God.  Angels cannot embrace God, they cannot receive Him in Holy Eucharist; we can!   It is this reality that makes everyone of value.  The most handicapped individual we have met has an immortal soul, and  will someday stand before God in all His glory, and embrace Him!    This is our hope, eternal life with Christ.  Let us all  live lives worthy of such a hope.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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