Tuesday, October 16, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.10

Dear Friends,
Stratford Caldecott, a British author and educator, stated “The intellect seeks truth, and it seeks beauty for truth’s sake, but the substance of truth is love.”   The noted theologian Hans Ur Von Balthasar  wrote “the person who sneers at beauty can no longer pray and soon will no longer be able to love.”  To love beauty and allow  it draw us to truth, whom  God is, sums up the attitude we must have at Holy Family.   If our school only produces academically superior graduates, students who have the technical prowess to achieve great things, but do not have the humanizing aspects of life just  as deeply interwoven into the fabric of themselves, then their training is incomplete.    

We as humans, are made to love beauty, that is why we are attracted to it.  We put pictures on our walls, we decorate our houses, we wear clothes that match (mostly) and outfits that are flattering.    Heaven is always described as a place of light and joy, of tremendous beauty.  We should encourage our students to love that which is beautiful;  the beauty that is found when one’s own work is praised,  when one executes the play just as told, when one greets  a friend or kisses their mother good bye.     

Is there ugliness in this world?  Yes, and there is also darkness.  We worship the God who  banishes the dark and ugly and fills us with  light and beauty and the desire for the everlasting.  When I was a boy I loved a hug from my father.  He is now dead these 10 years and my great hope is to once again experience the beauty of that moment ; embrace him before the throne of grace and even more to be embraced by God the Father.  What could be more beautiful than that?

May we all experience such love. 

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

From the Principlal's Desk 3.9

In many conversion stories we hear that the individual had to be brought very low in order to finally accept the grace of God, which had been there all along.  Perhaps we have witnessed in our own lives similar moments where after a long struggle, we have finally accepted God’s plan for us and realized  He was right all along!   

While all of us rejoice to find that someone has rejoined the family of Christ, I strongly believe it would be much better if they never left it in the first place.   If a young boy or girl can learn to accept the love of God and His wonderful plan for their life, how much better their life will be.  They will experience the fruits of the Holy Spirit; charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, perseverance, mildness, faith, modesty, self-discipline, and chastity. 

How great would it be if all of our children had these gifts active in their entire lives!  For this reason we try to bring your children to know Christ and the world He made as often as possible.    St Irenaeus once stated, “The Glory of God is man fully alive in Christ Jesus”. 

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

From the Principal's Desk 3.8

Dear Parents,
Attached to this email is a voter’s guide on several issues of great importance to Christians.  We do not endorse a particular candidate, we do however try to illuminate their stands as accurately as we can.  Why do we do so?   Holy Family is a civic institution; in our 90 years we have been blessed because of your support and the support of others to have the opportunity to help our great nation be governed.  We aid not as rulers but rather as guardians of civic responsibility.   Our nation will succeed if our populace is moral, God centered, and if it is active in our politics.  In light of this I am attaching a voter’s guide from the Family Research Council.  Each position claimed for a candidate has been referenced. 

 The deadline for registration in Colorado is fast approaching (Oct. 9).  Colorado has made it easy to register simply go to govotecolorado.com and follow the prompts.  I urge all of you to exercise your right to vote.    
On a separate note,  I thank all who worked so diligently to make Spirit Week such a roaring success. From the hall decorations, to the games, to the dance truly there was not a better homecoming and spirit week.  The students as a group comported themselves admirably and made us all proud and the army of parental volunteers are without peer.

As I often say, this school, a special place, exists because of all of you.  Thank you again and may God bless,
Duc in Altum
Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

From the Principal's Desk 3.7

Dear Parents,
As it is Spirit Week, I thought I would take a moment to discuss what we as Catholics mean as spirit and body. 

From the first moment of our conception we exist as an everlasting spirit in a temporal body capable of interacting with others and thus with their spirits.   The act that brings new life into this world, where  mortal and immortal intersect, cannot be seen as a mere physical interaction for it starts a human being on a grand and perilous journey that ends either in the realm of endless day, or forever separated from God. 

When the spirit departs the body so does life.  Yet we are not just spirits, we are body and spirit.  How our spirit feels is how our body  feels; when we act in accordance with God’s design, our spirits benefit, our body benefits, we benefit.  When we act in opposition to God’s design, our spirits suffer, our body suffers, and we suffer.   Because we have bodies we can receive God physically, and we can hope someday, of finally embracing God.  Angels cannot embrace God, they cannot receive Him in Holy Eucharist; we can!   It is this reality that makes everyone of value.  The most handicapped individual we have met has an immortal soul, and  will someday stand before God in all His glory, and embrace Him!    This is our hope, eternal life with Christ.  Let us all  live lives worthy of such a hope.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School