Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.37

Dear Friends,

This is the last Tuesday Note for the year and there is so much to say, but I shall simply make a few comments that I hope resonate with all of you.  First off, life is a gift.   We do not know how long we have on this earth, so each day we need to remember how special it is.  When I was a boy my father got into a serious accident that should have killed him yet he was unhurt.  I remember how happy he was to be alive; in fact I think he bought us donuts for what seemed to be a month.   He lived the rest of his life rejoicing every morning for the gift of that day.   No matter the struggle and the strife, the pain and turmoil, our redeemed lives are precious and worthy of rejoicing.   

In the parish of my youth one of the priests would start each mass by saying, “Good Morning, it is a good day to be alive!”  I wholeheartedly agree.

Secondly, we have a new Archbishop! Bishop Samuel Aquila was appointed by His Holiness Pope Benedict.   Thanks be to God!  Bishop Aquila was formerly the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in Denver; I shall be looking forward to working with him.

Finally, Graduation was wonderful and I thank all who helped us stage that event.  Being outside was simply beautiful, if a bit windy.   The final step in a high school career is a fun one and there is and should be a great deal of rejoicing.  And like so many things one ends and the next begins.  As the graduates go off to college and careers please keep us informed it allows us to track our successes and discover areas we need to grow in.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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