Tuesday, May 8, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.34

Dear Parents and Friends,

As we near graduation I would like to share an observation with you.  Perhaps you noticed that the world around us does not encourage a life of grace (holiness) but actually mocks following God.  The claim is that to follow God you will become a boring person with a life that has all of its joy taken from you.  Instead a hedonistic life is offered promising freedom and excitement and endless pleasure.  Reality is however, quite the opposite.

Have you ever noticed there are no two saints who have lives that are similar?  Each is enormously complex and varied, but you may have noticed that sinners have almost no originality; their lives are almost always the same. (think of how unoriginal supermarket checkout tabloids are for instance).   Sin promises us freedom but delivers chains.  Holiness asks us to freely give our lives to Christ, and we find that Christ gives us even more freedom in return.    A saint, which we are all called to be, will tend to the sick, educate the ignorant, care for the elderly, raise families, work honestly, build cities and civilizations, explore, engineer, produce great works of art, and leave behind a world that is greener, healthier and more wholesome.

So as our students near college and the greater world, let us use the last few moments that they are with us, to encourage them to be great, to be noble… to be saints.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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