Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.29

Dear Friends,

Have you ever suffered a loss? If you have lived long enough the answer is going to be yes.  We have all lost games, items, relationships, loved ones etc.  In fact loss is part of life and part of the end of life.   High School presents an opportunity to teach our students about loss and I would like to make a few comments about what can be learned.

1.       Loss does not define us; it affects us nevertheless.   A loss that does not affect us is not a loss, it is a non-event. All losses affect us and we are never the same after it, for good or ill.
2.      Losses are not always a bad thing.  Often one finds out that what was originally seen as a calamity turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
3.      You can learn a lot about yourself from a loss.  When you fail at something, it can help you see where you need to grow, and where your gifts lie.   It can show us the true status of events and clear away any self-delusions.

There is something else I should mention to illustrate those points.  There is no greater loss in human history than that of Calvary.  God died.  Christ Jesus forever will be described as being the Crucified one, and one who rose.  There is no greater victory than the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.  The loss of Calvary demonstrates the depth of our need, the depravity of our sin, and what had to be done to rectify the situation and the incredible depth of God’s love for us.  

Christ turns all of our losses to gains, if we let him, yet he does not remove them but allows us to experience them.  When losses, or crosses, come into our lives, like Christ, let us pick them up, shoulder them and allow God to work them to the victory.  By teaching this to our students we can equip them to handle life’s trials and be better able to achieve life’s ultimate victory.

Happy Lent,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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