Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.25

Dear Friends

Scripture tells us, “While we were yet sinners, God died for us.”   And we are reminded by Mother Church on Ash Wednesday “Remember that thou are dust and unto dust thou shall return”   It is this dust that God dies for, a great reminder  of how special He made us.   God makes us persons, or subjects, so special that He suffered and died to redeem us.  It is amazing that God dies for rich and poor alike, gifted and challenged, young and old, fit or not.   All are equally worthy to come to him, and not by their ability.  Enough to humble the greatest king and to raise the poorest beggar.  It is an awesome gift to be redeemed by God and it demands a truly noble response.

We want our students to be noble.  To treat others the way they have been treated, to work diligently and honestly, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and to be quick to apologize (accept responsibility) and repent (change) when they do wrong.   This is why we want to encourage our students to avail themselves of the sacrament of Reconciliation.  Confession frees us from sin and the unnatural attachment to it, it provides a grace that helps keep our focus on who we are, God’s children and not who we are told we are, objects.  I encourage all of you to get to confession often.  Throughout our Archdiocese a special time for confession entitled “The Light is on for You” will be celebrated from 4:30 to 7:00 PM.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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