Tuesday, November 19, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.11

November 19, 2013

Walking Tiger
Dear Friends,

This morning, over on the eastern horizon, the sun rose just like it has every day for billions of years.  Each day the same and yet different, for while the substance of the sunrise changes not, the effect changes constantly and if you and I could compare pictures of all the sunrises since the dawn of time we would find not one, not a single one, identical to another.  Life has but one constant, change.  Some changes are evolutionary, slowly over a long period of time; others are revolutionary, immediate, abrupt, and dramatic.  The one impossibility is to stand still.   As we age, we realize this fact, both the good and the bad of it.  How fondly we remember the days when our children would jump into our arms when we came home from work, now they may great us with a smile and a hug or a text.    We rejoice in the persons our children grow into.

The theme this year is 'Quo Vadis', where are you going.  To successfully journey one must know the destination and while the common end for all Christians ought to be heaven, the intermediate goals of life do not possess the same uniformity.  Discerning God's will for us, seeking the source of wisdom and letting Him guide you, remains a defining characteristic of a successful person, school, institution and church.  God's will can be found by prayer and study, for the will of God, while occasionally hard to fathom, never ceases to be rational.   High school years can be filled with concern about the future. For some this brings fear, others excitement, and for most, both.  Encourage your students to talk to our guidance department, to study hard and to go to mass.  God will not refuse our children's cry for help.

Finally, Kairos recently was completed and by all accounts the retreat came off well.  Thanks needs to be given to Father Gabriel and Mark Evevard and all who helped make this a success.  Parents, if your child went on Kairos, ask them about it and encourage them.  The good news needs to be shared.

Pax et Bonum,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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