Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.5

Dear Parents and Friends,

To have a child is perhaps the most momentous action of one’s life,  second only to our own salvation and intimately tied to it.  From the moment of that child’s conception all we do prepares them to face the world that awaits them.  At times this task resembles pleasure more than labor, at other times quite the opposite.  Our goal, simply stated, is for our children to be successes; to have a family or a vocation, to find rewarding work, to be a positive addition to society, perhaps to have children of their  own someday, and most of all for them to be saints and to someday embrace God.

Nothing serves this goal more effectively than the way we act.  When we are patient, when we are kind, when we apologize for mistakes and make amends, when we go to Church and give God His due, we are great examples, just as much as when we do the opposite.  If we want them to be great, we had better be great ourselves.  So for the love of our children, and I speak as a father, let us resolve to aid them and ourselves by continuing to live  our faith, love our spouses and children and act like the children of God we are. 

Fortunately we don’t have to do this on our own strength.  God is always there.   

Thank you for your support and may God bless you all.

 Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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