Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.2

From the Principal's Desk 3.2

Dear Parents,
Hopefully by now your students have started to get a grasp of what they need to do and have worked through the difficulties  of class and schedule.   For freshmen students and often times for upper classmen the task can seem overwhelming , or at the very least daunting.  Encouragement and some sage advice is often needed; however they seldom suffice. 

Fortitude, the grace to keep doing the right thing, the necessary action despite trials, hazards and costs  is one of the great character traits that enable us to be saints.  Do I mean that by going to school, facing the tasks and tribulations of history, science, faith and english  and all the rest one can build those personal tools that  aid us in our mortal and immortal live?


One seldom becomes a saint, a hugely successful person, by a single act of courage and bravery,  most often a lifetime of smaller acts of virtue together make up the tapestry of our salvation.  So let us remind our students if done rightly, studying, cleaning their rooms, doing their chores, and everything else, can help us become the saints we need to be. ( It will also help us succeed here on earth.)  

Duc et Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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