Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.2

From the Principal's Desk 3.2

Dear Parents,
Hopefully by now your students have started to get a grasp of what they need to do and have worked through the difficulties  of class and schedule.   For freshmen students and often times for upper classmen the task can seem overwhelming , or at the very least daunting.  Encouragement and some sage advice is often needed; however they seldom suffice. 

Fortitude, the grace to keep doing the right thing, the necessary action despite trials, hazards and costs  is one of the great character traits that enable us to be saints.  Do I mean that by going to school, facing the tasks and tribulations of history, science, faith and english  and all the rest one can build those personal tools that  aid us in our mortal and immortal live?


One seldom becomes a saint, a hugely successful person, by a single act of courage and bravery,  most often a lifetime of smaller acts of virtue together make up the tapestry of our salvation.  So let us remind our students if done rightly, studying, cleaning their rooms, doing their chores, and everything else, can help us become the saints we need to be. ( It will also help us succeed here on earth.)  

Duc et Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

From the Principal's Desk 3.1

From the Principal's Desk 

Dear Friends,

Welcome Back!  It is hard to believe but the summer break is over, if not the summer heat… As I mentioned in the summer letter, this year we have chosen the theme ‘Duc et Altum!’ and we intend to ‘Put Out into the Deep!” To be bold in our embrace of our God given task.  This of course is the task and call of all Christians.  We are supposed to boldly proclaim  the truth and fearlessly live the Gospel.  Just like our Savior.

This summer in Colorado has been filled with tragedy and triumph.  We all were shocked and saddened by the senseless crime inflicted on Aurora,  we have all smelled the smoke from the seemingly endless fires,  and we have all rejoiced in the triumphs of Missy Franklin.   How all of this works in God’s plan I don’t pretend to know yet the clues to it are all around us.  In the ashes of the fire, new life grows and a vibrant forest will appear fed by the very residue of the flames,  while great sorrow and suffering is found and continues, great stories of heroism abound.  God takes care of everything we cannot do, but part of His plan is our cooperation with His will on the material plane and when one of us chooses evil, to thwart that good, all suffer unequally.  The story does not end there,  for  when one of us cooperates with God’s plan we all benefit.   Let us keep all those who have suffered in our prayers and strive to make certain this year is one filled with greatness as we courageously strive to live God’s call.

To all the new parents I must extend a special welcome.  For the next several years ( no more than four ) we will get a chance to work together in educating your students.  Sometimes this will prove daunting  as personal growth seldom comes easy,  however difficult assignments, tasks and labors help define our children as virtuous citizens.  We are here to help and aid, to guide and instruct, and feel free to contact us as often as you need to.  The great task of this school is to train students to be successful, in this life and in the next.   Our goal is to produce saints who are great leaders in society and business.   We cannot do it without you, and wouldn’t want to if we could.   This is our partnership  and together we can and will do some awesome things this year!

Duc et Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School