Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Forgiveness and Freedom

From the Principal’s Desk 2.3
Dear Parents and Friends,

Forgiveness is a challenge in this world and the events of 9/11 tend to bring this issue clearly into focus.  When someone hurts you there is often nothing you can do about it, but until you forgive you are stilled trapped in that pain.  This is of course the lesson drawn from the Our Father, where we were exhorted to forgive…to be forgiven. 

Because they are larger grievances some things are harder to forgive than others; forgive them we must if we wish to be free.   That is the great challenge and promise of Christianity.  So when our students come home with a complaint, the first thing we need to do is encourage them to forgive the offending party, then we need to address the problem.  This is the path to life that our Master taught us.   

And for the souls of all who perished on 9/11 and in the subsequent wars that flowed from that day, may perpetual light shine upon them, and may they, and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

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