Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.32

Dear Friends and Supporters,

The end of the year festivities have begun and I must take a moment to thank all those who helped us put on the Tiger Gala, and to all who donated.  It was certainly a great night which benefited us all very much.   The evening reminded me of why we have Catholic Education.  We celebrated Johnny Cash, a flawed man for certain, but one who ultimately made his peace with God.  To treasure a person for whom they are stands as the hallmark of our Faith, to be seen as God’s child, to be honored for nothing greater than being a potential saint, and to have that divine spark recognized in you even in your darkest moments.  Christ calls us to be so much more than we could be without him.  I thank you for your aid in allowing us to educate your children.

For those who are looking at the schedule you know Prom and After Prom are this week.   It promises to be a great evening and I hope and pray a safe one.  Please remind your students that while we may be able to choose our actions, we cannot choose our consequences.  We never want to be, or want our children to be the ones who say, “I never meant for that to happen.” 

May God keep us all safe and bless us in what we do.

Pax Christi!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 2.31

Dear Friends,

Easter time brings us full circle. Once again man is united to God, the promise of Eden’s fall fulfilled and the dread curse lifted.  This is no return to Eden; it is much better. Heaven becomes our home and our goal.  This is why the church dares to pray

“O Happy Fault,
O necessary sin of Adam,
which gained for us so great a Redeemer!”

There is so much for us to be grateful for, and yet so much for us still to do.  We enter into that final stage of school, where seniors think of loftier matters, college and beyond, and their attention to the necessary work tends to slip. I would ask for your help in keeping all the students engaged in study until the end.  We want everyone to finish strong.

Finally I hope and pray all of you have a blessed and fun Easter season, for while this school is the result of many wonderful people working hard, our salvation was the result of just one person working perfectly and all of us joining Him.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

From the Principal’s Desk 2.30

Dear Parents and Friends,

In this most Holy of Weeks, I will just take a moment to discuss why we as Catholics and Christians make such a big fuss over sin.   Even a common passerby might understand why a school cares about cheating, lying  and rude behavior as these directly affect the mission of the school,  but why do we care about pride and vanity and sloth and gluttony and all the rest of the deadly sins?  Here is why.  Sin has three major effects on you, 1) it damages your relationship with God, 2) it clouds the intellect, and 3) it harms yourself and others.  The examples of this are legion so allow me just two scenarios to demonstrate how it might work.   

Student A is proud and won’t admit they need help, therefore they study by themselves and as the fear of failure starts to rise in them, they start to ignore and treat rudely those in their family.  This strains the familial bonds and when the student takes the test, and fails, they blame God for the result.

Student B is humble and realizes they need help, so they study hard and find their teacher and others who can help them learn.  They speak to their parents about the need to study and accommodations are made.  The student may or may not do well on the test (probably will) but in the end they thank God for the result knowing they did their best.

There are many other ways this might play out.  It is clear in all of them that a life of virtue is a successful life.

Finally, as I have mentioned before there is a particularly poignant moment in “The Passion” that I often think of during Holy Week.  If you have seen the movie you will know of what I speak. It is the part where Mary, seeing Jesus fall, runs to him with open arms as a mother does when comforting her child and as she reaches out to him, he turns to her and says, “See, I make all things new.”  I find that so often it is through Mary I can better understand Jesus.  May we all be aware of what Christ Jesus did for us and as our sins are buried with Christ may we rise to new life with him on Easter.

I thank you for all of us for entrusting us with your children.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. any questions, cares, comments or concerns? They are always welcome