Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Packing for School and Preparing for Final Judgement are related

From the Principal’s Desk 2.2

The second full week of school has begun and your students are warming to the new normal routine of rising early, getting ready, (this varies greatly by gender and age) packing their bag and getting into the car.  We know that the easiest way for this to happen is if the bags are packed the night before, which implies homework and assignments are also done.  For the student who shovels down their breakfast,  while hastily finishing last night’s assignment,  or fishing papers out of their bags for us to sign, or (personal favorite) the youngster who suddenly remembers they need X amount of dollars for some important cause,  for these perhaps the normal routine of life will be of the most benefit.  When one finally learns that it is better NOT to wait until the last minute, suddenly life becomes so much more peaceful and productive. Learning this skill may be the most long lasting lesson of school.
We all know that someday we will be called before the throne of God.  There we shall be called to give an account of what we have done in our lives.  If we live in such a way that we are prepared then when the time comes we won’t have to rush around trying to do the things we should have already done but we can peacefully walk into that throne room of grace.   

So tonight as you are urging your child to be prepared for tomorrow, maybe you should remind them that it is not only for school we are getting ready for.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What makes a Catholic School different?

One very good way of describing what makes a Catholic school different than all other types of schools is to remember that Catholic schools are founded to spread the Gospel through the medium of education.  If a Catholic school does not spread the Gospel than it fails in its mission and those who work in it will have to answer to God.  If the school does not educate students superbly then the school brings scandal to the church.  So Catholic schools must have both exceptional academics and superb catechises.